Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 2. A conceptual approach to causation-part 2.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 5. Interpreting the results of a study on therapy and applying them to a patient.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 4. Appraising the evidence for papers on therapy.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 3. Asking the questions and identifying the information.
Teaching evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: 1. A learning structure for clinical decision changes.
Introducing evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine: answering the challenge.
A Cross-sectional study of Patient Satisfaction and Patient Retention in a Canadian naturopathic teaching clinic
Patient satisfaction has been considered an identifier of the quality of health care services in health settings. The more satisfied patients are with the care they are receiving, the more likely they return for follow up and the higher the retention rate.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of patient satisfaction in a teaching naturopathic clinic in Western Canada, and to determine factors affecting patient retention.
The Bell Tolls for Homeopathy: Time for Change in the Training and Practice of North American Naturopathic Physicians
The 3rd Annual CCNM Research Day Student Research & Innovation in Naturopathic Medicine
The following are abstracts from the research competition at the 3rd annual CCNM Research Day hosted by the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, ON, Canada. The conference celebrates high quality student-faculty research collaborations, showcased as poster presentations.
Demographic and Outcome Trends in Naturopathic Teaching Clinics: A pilot international and multicenter naturalistic study