Course fee: $795
Prerequisite Science Courses
If you are missing a prerequisite course, you can take it at CCNM. We offer biology, psychology, chemistry, and two life science courses (biochemistry and physiology) three times a year. All courses are open to students applying to both the Toronto and Boucher campuses, and registration is open until the third week of classes (access takes five business days from date of registration).
For more information about PSCs, contact or 1 (866) 241-2266 ext. 220.

General ChemistryChemistry (SGC100) – General ChemistryCredit hours: 3
Course fee: $795Chemistry (SGC100) is a 3-credit, 14-week introductory course to introduce the fundamental concepts of chemistry. The course will emphasize the physical and chemical principles of chemistry relating to matter and its transformations including measurement, atoms and molecules, nuclear chemistry, ions, the mole, reaction stoichiometry, gases, solutions, and acids and bases.PrerequisitesNo prerequisites are required.TextbookA digital copy of the textbook is included with the purchase of the course. -
General BiologyBiology (SBI100) – General BiologyCredit hours: 3
Course fee: $795Biology (SBI100) is a 3-credit, 14-week introductory course to provide a foundation in biology. It covers the molecular and cellular basis of life, biochemical processes, cell structure and function, membrane transport and inheritance. It serves as a foundation for further studies in biological disciplines such human biology and human physiology.PrerequisitesNo prerequisites are required.TextbookA digital copy of the textbook is included with the purchase of the course. -
Human Life SciencesBiochemistry (SBC100)Credit hours: 3Course fee: $795Biochemistry (SBC100) is a 3-credit, 14-week introductory biochemistry course designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of biochemistry as it pertains to the human body. The focus of this course is on the structure and metabolism of macromolecules such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids. Essential biochemistry concepts including glycolysis, protein synthesis, enzymes, the citric acid cycle, the electron transport chain and ATP synthesis are thoroughly investigated. The application of biochemistry to naturopathic principles is integrated throughout the course; providing students with a unique opportunity to learn biochemistry within the context of naturopathic medicine.PrerequisitesNo prerequisites are required.TextbookA digital copy of the textbook is included with the purchase of the course.Physiology (SPH100)Credit hours: 3
Course fee: $795Physiology (SPH101) is a 3-credit, 14-week introductory course to provide students a solid foundation in basic physiology. The course will cover the integration and coordination of basic cell processes and will emphasize the mechanisms by which cells and tissues of the body operate to maintain homeostasis and control. Topics include the integrative functions of the major systems of the human body including communication, integration and homeostasis in the endocrine system, central nervous system, and musculo-skeletal systems.PrerequisitesNo prerequisites are required.TextbookA digital copy of the textbook is included with the purchase of the course. -
PsychologyPsychology (SPS100)Credit hours: 3
Course fee: $795Psychology (SPS100) is a 3-credit, 14-week introductory course designed to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of psychology. This course will investigate the field of psychology, the study of behavior, thought and experience affected by physical, mental, social and environmental factors. Beginning with an investigation of the workings of the human brain; linking understanding of structures and function in the brain and how they work together to produce different behaviors will be reviewed. The concept of nature vs. nurture and its interaction and effect on personality and behavior will be reviewed and how past experiences and certain conditions can influence our thoughts and behavior. Understanding the nature of how environment and interactions can affect individuals, as well as developing an appreciation for emotions and how they can influence happiness and health will be applied.Prerequisites
No prerequisites are required.Textbook
A digital copy of the textbook is included with the purchase of the course.

by McMurray, Ballantine, Hoeger & Peterson (8th Edition, 2017). Published by Pearson

by Goodenough & McGuire (6th Edition). Published by Pearson

by Dee Unglaub Silverthorne (8th Edition). Published by Pearson

by Mark Krause, Daniel Corts, Stephen Smith, Dan Dolderman. Published by Pearson.