Pathways to Leadership and Collaborative Success for Emerging Researchers in Complementary Medicine
The Australian Research Centre in Comple- mentary and Integrative Medicine (ARCCIM) has established a leadership and capacity building program to identify, nurture and support future complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) leaders, and help develop and lead a sustainable CIM research cul- ture. Early- and mid-career researchers chosen for this program network with others interested in CIM research, reflect and strate- gize research efforts within the bigger picture of CM research, and the challenges and opportunities facing the CIM field from national and international perspectives. Discussion Focus: The panel will consist of program fellows from different disciplines, including naturopathy, massage therapy, and Chinese Medicine as well as CIM researchers with psychology and midwifery backgrounds. They will present potential pathways to reduce threats and barriers to successful research leadership and international interdisciplinary collaboration. Based on their expe- riences they will discuss differences and similarities of inherent challenges specific to their professions and discuss ways to cre- ate supportive structures to benefit CIM research, education, and practice. Implications: A new generation of CIM leaders is emerging in an environment of increased usage and legitimacy for CIM disciplines. Providing leadership and capacity building support for early to mid- career researchers, practitioners and educators, and establishing a collaborative culture within and beyond the field are essential for CIM to continue to thrive and continue its transition into main- stream health care. This panel discussion will provide valuable insights to help build a sustainable CIM research culture among the existing and emerging leaders of the field.
DOI Link: doi: 10.1016/j.aimed.2019.03.097
Niki Munk, Romy Lauche, Helen Hall, Kieran Cooley, Vincent CH Chung
Advances in Integrative Medicine
Munk, Niki, et al. "Pathways to Leadership and Collaborative Success for Emerging Researchers in Complementary Medicine." Advances in Integrative Medicine 6 (2019): S34.