Preceptoring is a component of the ND program that allows students to observe health-care practitioners in the community. The goal of the preceptor program is to give CCNM students a wide variety of experiences in different health-care settings in order to develop the clinical knowledge, attitudes and skills relevant to the role of a naturopathic doctor.

Become a Preceptor
Remember when you were a student and gained valuable clinical knowledge from practising NDs? Now you can share your clinical knowledge and experience with tomorrow’s NDs. Become a preceptor and share a transformative relationship with a CCNM student today!
Benefits of hosting a CCNM student for preceptorship:
- Provides exposure to potential future associates
- Stimulates practice innovations and improvement through exposure to new approaches in assessment and patient management taught at CCNM
- Provides CE credits for NDs registered in the province of Ontario
- It’s enjoyable!
*Preceptors need to perform 30 hours of preceptoring (hosting) on an annual basis in order to be eligible for ongoing benefits.
Preceptorship Program Information
CCNM - Toronto Campus
Office of Clinical Education
(416) 498-1255 ext. 241 or
(416) 498-1255 ext. 241 or
CCNM - Boucher Campus
Ellen Kolvers, Clinical Studies Coordinator
(604) 777-9981, ext. 231 or
(604) 777-9981, ext. 231 or