Preceptoring is a component of the ND program that allows students to observe health-care practitioners in the community. The goal of the preceptor program is to give CCNM students a wide variety of experiences in different health-care settings in order to develop the clinical knowledge, attitudes and skills relevant to the role of a naturopathic doctor.
Become a Preceptor
Remember when you were a student and gained valuable clinical knowledge from practising NDs? Now you can share your clinical knowledge and experience with tomorrow’s NDs. Become a preceptor and share a transformative relationship with a CCNM student today!
Benefits of hosting a CCNM student for preceptorship:
  • Provides exposure to potential future associates
  • Stimulates practice innovations and improvement through exposure to new approaches in assessment and patient management taught at CCNM
  • Provides CE credits for NDs registered in the province of Ontario
  • It’s enjoyable!
*Preceptors need to perform 30 hours of preceptoring (hosting) on an annual basis in order to be eligible for ongoing benefits.
Preceptorship Program Information
CCNM - Toronto Campus
Office of Clinical Education
(416) 498-1255 ext. 241 or
CCNM - Boucher Campus
Ellen Kolvers, Clinical Studies Coordinator
(604) 777-9981, ext. 231 or
Leading Innovation in the Naturopathic Community (LINC)
CCNM - Boucher Campus offers a formal mentorship program called Leading Innovation in the Naturopathic Community (LINC) to:
  • Provide opportunities for enhanced networking and collaboration amongst the naturopathic community across Canada
  • Provide a platform for discussion and development of innovative ideas
  • Support the development of successful naturopathic practitioners for the provision of excellence in health care
LINC is comprised of exemplary naturopathic physicians who embody the spirit of naturopathic medicine, and who want to support the continuous growth and development of both CCNM - Boucher Campus students, and of naturopathic medicine in North America
Mentors counsel mentees on professionalism, development, and sustainability, linking how those qualities will assist them as they transition into their practice. Students take on responsibilities within their mentor’s practice to facilitate a reciprocal relationship.