CCNM is committed to excellence in naturopathic education and to the success of our graduates.
All candidates are evaluated based on their academic history and personal interview, as well as their motivation for becoming a naturopathic doctor, leadership skills, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, and personal characteristics.
Attend an Event
Attend a student recruitment event to learn what it’s like to be a student at Canada’s leading naturopathic college.

CCNM - Boucher Campus
For those interested in attending the CCNM - Boucher Campus, please download our admissions brochure or contact

CCNM - Toronto Campus
For those interested in attending the CCNM - Toronto Campus, please download our admissions brochure or contact

International Medical
Graduates (IMGs)
Graduates (IMGs)
CCNM offers a bridge delivery of its naturopathic medical program, developed specifically for IMGs.

Students from U.S.
If you are applying from the U.S. find out more about our requirements to study in Canada

Students from
outside Canada
outside Canada
If you are applying from outside Canada find out more about our requirements to study in Canada